When the software automates most of the initial effort involved in creating bookings - that saves a great deal of staff time (every booking on average takes 15 minutes or so to enter).
When people book themselves in on a course their details are all automatically logged by the system and there is no need to duplicate data.
With everything online there is no paperwork for the administrators.
No risk of notes going astray...
New bookings are easily viewed via smartphone or tablet.
Administrators are always in charge of setting parameters.
If the administrator is not in the system will still take bookings and give updates - so people can book at any time they fancy, out of office hours or when the fancy takes them.
Managing bookings is easy for course operators as everything is done in real time.
Tutors can see the registers being populated in real time, giving them the chance to prepare ahead.
The system can take deposits or full payment - straight to your bank account.
Your data is safe from prying eyes - only viewable by those with permission.
A complete record of bookings and payments is easy to produce at any time - at the end of the tax year, or just for your own information.